Thursday 31 December 2020

10 Surprisingly Tricky Soulsborne Bosses Part 2





Right, its now time for Part 2 of my look at 10 surprisingly trick bosses from the Soulsborne games and here I will look at the last 5. Again these are not in any real order of difficulty they are just on here for the sake of well...being there lol.

Anyway, so let's take a look at which bosses made the list...

6. Witch of Hemwick (Bloodborne)

So, at No.6 is a boss that is acutally often called the easiest boss in Bloodborne, the Witch of Hemwick, however I have to say I can't fully agree with that myself as in the past I have actually found this boss be a bit tricky.

The boss itself starts with a single witch that can summon dark creatures known as Mad Ones, that will attack you but the witch can also fire AoE magic attacks at you that can deal out fair damage. The first phase is actually generally quite easy enough, where the fight get's a bit more tricky is in the second phase where a second witch joins in the fray and they can fire off a paralysing attack that holds you in place to allow for the witches to either gouge out your eyes or the Mad Ones to kill you. Not only that but if you fail to kill both witches in time, one will heal the other and the fight goes on. The easiest way to do this fight however would be to actually go in with zero insight and that way the Mad Ones will not appear and it will allow you to take out the witches with greater ease without them lumbering around.

So, I would have to say that yes I have defeated the Witch of Hemwick more times than not with ease but there has definitely been times where they tripped me up and for that they deserve a place on here.

7. Royal Rat Vanguard (Dark Souls II)

So, at No.7 is believe it or not...this boss, Royal Rat Vanguard, which yes I know is again considered very easy as a boss but I have to admit again there have been times in the past this boss has caught me out.

The boss itself is basically just a bunch of rats that come out of their holes keep attacking you with bites that can inflict both poison and petrification (God knows why though rats would be able to petrify you!) and they keep scurrying around until the Royal Rat Vanguard himself decides to join them. The only difference between the RRV and the others is that he has a more spiked hairdo and that's about it. Another tricky thing here is knowing when to spot him as he can blend in with the other rats quite easily most of the time, which can also a bit of difficulty here. 

So, while I do admit this boss is quite easy most of the time, there has been times in the past where I have died to this boss in a few playthroughs and even one time it took me six goes to get past them! The rats themselves are easy enough and the RRV himself is also easy, its just the cramped environment you fight them in is itself a real pest and also provides most of the challenge, plus throw in some poison and petrification damage to and can be a pain to deal with. 

So, yep might be a bit embarrassing to admit lol but yes this boss can actually be deceptively tricky (well for me anyway) and as such takes a place on the list.

8. Demon Firesage (Dark Souls)

At No.8 is this boss from the original Dark Souls, Demon Firesage, who is one of the bosses found in the Demon Ruins area of the game and similar to the other demon bosses in the game but the main differnce here is he is...on fire! 

So, as to why this boss can be tricky, well for me I think its a case of him being alot stronger than the earlier demon bosses (Asylum and Taurus demons) so his attacks do alot more damage. However, what else makes this boss tricky is that he deploys the use of a magic AoE attack that can dish out alot of damage (which can be blocked to an extent by your shield) which knocks you off your feet. Demon Firesage also can perform a pretty devastating plunging strike with his large staff that has the potential for a one-shot kill. Added to this, the Demon Firesage also performs a body slam similar to the other demons, which will also cause alot of damage although this can be easily avoided. 

So, Demon Firesage is definitely is a tricky boss and one that is a step up from the previous demon bosses in the game, who is only matched by the Stray Demon who can be found underneath the Undead Asylum but as you face this guy later, I thought I would Firesage here instead. And I have to say that, yes, this guy did beat me a few times on a few playthroughs as I did find it tricky evading his attacks.  

So, Demon Firesage certainly deserves a spot on the list as one of the more tricky demon bosses in the original game.

9. Old Monk (Demon's Souls)

So, at No.9 is this boss from Demon's Souls, Old Monk, which is essentially a PvP encounter of sorts with the Old Monk themselves being a dark phantom that will be summoned on entering the boss arena. This fight can also be an online player, similar to another boss fight in Dark Souls III (which I might mention in a bit!) where they are the boss themselves, which can make for a more difficult encounter.

However, I have added the Old Monk on here because this guy kicked my ass on my very first playthrough of Demon's Souls with his mix of combo attacks and use of magic. In fact it has to be said that the Old Monk's deadliest attack would be his backstab, which will finish you off for sure if he manages it. Next to that of course, the Old Monk will use homing soul arrows to fire at you too that are quite damaging also. Not only that but the Old Monk is pretty aggressive and relentless when he approaches you, which gives you little time to back up properly and get away from him. 

I have however since managed to defeat the Old Monk with greater ease since my first playthrough but I can still die to him once in a while and I feel you are definitely more vulnerable to him if you are using lighter weapons but a strength build is a good way to take him down. 

So, with that all said, Old Monk can be a tricky old bugger and as such thought I would add him on the list here.

10. Crystal Sage (Dark Souls III)

And last but not least at No.10 is this boss from Dark Souls III, the Crystal Sage, who is of course a villainous mage that deals out some nasty crystal magic attacks. The sage is in fact the boss pictured at the top of the review btw.

So, again this is a boss that has tripped me up in several playthroughs of the game as the Crystal Sage's magic attacks can be pretty damaging as he fires out large crystal orbs at you as well as crystal trails along the ground. But where the sage can also get tricky is in the 2nd phase, where he conjures up some phantom Sages and they fire off soul spheres that deal heavy damage also but they can however be killed with just one hit, so that's something. 

So, yep its safe to say that this guy can be tricky at times and even to this day, there are still a few times that he has killed me at least once when playing the game and its easy to underestimate the sage. And with that said I think that the Crystal Sage certainly deserves a spot on here to conclude the list. 

SIGN OFF 2020!

So, that's it for my final post of 2020 and if you have enjoyed reading these posts this year, it would be great if you could leave a comment on them sometime and thanks for stopping by. 

I would also like to finish off by wishing you all a Happy New Year when it comes around and let's hope 2021 is a better one than we've had this year in 2020 (couldn't be much worse!).

So, till then take care and have a Happy New Year.  

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