Tuesday 19 April 2022

Top 10 Annoying Elden Ring Enemies - Part 2 - No's 5-1







So, its time for part two of my look at the most annoying enemies in Elden Ring, which I am currently on my 3rd playthrough of the game already! And there are plenty of annoying enemies to look at, so let's look at the ones that made it into the top 5.

5. Abductor Virgins

So, at No.5 is this rather weirdly named enemy, the Abductor virgins, who you might not put a name to the face but when you see them (if you have played the game) you KNOW who they are! 

Yep, the abductors, who are basically big mechanical devices, can be a huge pain in the ass simply because their size and mobility makes them dangerous and difficult to dodge as they have large bladed wheels that do a lot of damage as they speed towards you. There are other variants of the abductors too that have swinging sickles, which they throw out and have quite a lot of range that can hit from quite a far distance. 

And not only that but the abductors have another trick up their sleeve where if you get too close to them the central part of their iron frame opens out a several hands jump out and grab you, pulling you in to do some real damage to your hp before throwing you out again. And if you are really unlucky the hands can grab you again and again until you are dead. However there is one instance where this is handy as one abductor will take you to Volcano manor after you've been "abducted" by the hands. 

However that aside, the abductor virgins are very annoying especially given their range of attacks and their annoying creepy hand grabs and that is more than enough to put them in the top 5. 

4. Ancestral Followers (archers)

So, at No.4 are the ancestral followers and particularly its the archers, who are the real culprits here that can be found in the area of Siofra river.

And what is so annoying about them is of course how they can hit you with ease when you are riding on horseback, which means they can knock you off Torrent (i.e. the horse) leaving you to either revive Torrent with a flask to summon her again. And its also really annoying to see your character also get knocked down and have a huge arrow sticking out their back as it just looks daft (sometimes you can even get three arrows in you!). 

There are also spirit versions of the followers as well as regular ones but they are both really annoying regardless. They can also be found in certain parts of Liurnia of the lakes where they are in normal body form but not sure how their damage compares to the other ones.

Other than that not too much to say about these guys, only that their arrow knockdowns are very annoying to deal with and that is more than enough reason to go on the list here.

3. Revenants 

And in the 3rd place are these deeply annoying enemies, the revenants, who are basically a monstrous amalgamated mix of limbs kind of like Godrick the Grafted except a bit smaller but far more irritating to deal with as they can be found in quite a few areas.

As to why they are so annoying, well its simply as they are so aggressive and they can teleport all over the place. Not only that but the revenants have very annoying flailing attacks they have the potential to wipe out your hp if they fully connect (unless you have 99 vigor or something near it!). Also give their speed and aggression, it also makes it difficult to take them on in proper hand to (multiple) hand combat. 

Thankfully however, the revenants are very weak to holy damage, so if you have any healing miracles then you can blast them with one and it will damage their hp quite heftily and if you do it twice it should be enough to kill them off. 

So, for me the revenants are without a single doubt worth putting on the list as their combo of high aggression and quick attacks make them one of the most infuriating enemies in Elden Ring.

2. Lesser Kindred of Rot 

So, in the runner-up spot are the Lesser Kindred of Rot, who are unquestionably a big pain in the ass to deal with throughout the game. These insectoid creatures have many arms and typically carry a glaive that can deal some decent damage. 

However what also makes the Lesser kindred of rot so annoying is their sticky thread attacks, which can home in on enemies and also does quite a bit of damage and as they can spam it with great ease, there is every chance you will die before you know it. Combine this with their fast speed and you have the perfect recipe for a truly annoying enemy you could do without. 

The lesser kindred of rot are usually found in various tunnels throughout the game but can also be found in some main parts of the game such as the Caelid regions and the Lake of Rot. I will also never forgot my first encounter with one of them as I entered Sellia crystal tunnel via a trap treasure chest and was almost immediately obliterated by their sticky threads attack. 

So. there is little doubt that the Lesser Kindred of Rot deserve their place on here and rightfully deserve the runner-up spot.

And the most annoying enemy in Elden Ring is...

1. Banished Knights 

Yep at No.1, the winner are the banished knights, which can be found in Sol Castle and also I believe in some Catacomb areas of the game (at least I think so!). 

Yep these guys must easily rank as one of the MOST annoying enemies to have ever featured in a Souls game and you can read on to find out just why I think that is!

So, why are they so annoying??? Well, for me its because they have the ability to just teleport around you with great ease and they also have some very powerful sword combos that just wipe you out completely. There are a couple of variants of these enemies also as some carry a single great sword whereas there are others that wield dual greatswords, who are infinitely more annoying to deal with given they can do twice the damage and wombo combo you into non existence without any time to deal with their bulls*** at al! 

I also found it incredibly hard how to even stay in a combat situation with them without dying even once but one way I think is best to deal with them is to counter their attacks with a great shield that will allow to perform a strong counter-attack that will damage them and just rinse and repeat. However, this is easier said than done given that the Sol Castle variants have frostbite inducing whirlwind combos that just turn out your lights quick as a flash, so I'd probably recommend a beefy shield and also getting your endurance up pretty to stand a chance of surviving these deeply annoying a-hole knights.

And of course not only that as I said the ones in Sol Castle can even teleport around you, so one minute you think they are in front of you, they suddenly appear from behind! In fact I tried to luring one toward me with throwing daggers from up a ladder but they just again teleported up above me and did their usual destruction of my health bar! 

However if there is one good thing I can at least say about them it is that you can get one as a good ash summons to help you out in combat known as Banished Knight Oleg and its good to have one of them on your side for once!

So, for me the banished knights with their absurdly damaging combos and their ability to teleport around you, make them easily for me the most annoying enemy in Elden Ring.

So, that's it for now and I will be back hopefully a bit sooner next time with another post.

Until then its bye for now! 

Monday 18 April 2022

Top 10 Annoying Elden Ring Enemies - Part 1 - No's 10-6







So, its been quite a long time since my last post on here mainly because I have been obsessed with playing Elden Ring, which is an all consuming game time wise!

However since I have been playing the game so much, I figured why not do another top 10 list based on the most annoying enemies in Elden Ring and believe there are plenty of them to be found, so its been tough to try and narrow it down. So, I will split the list into two parts as I usually do with these top 10 lists to avoid the post being too long. 

So, with that out the way, let's take a look at these annoying enemies from Elden Ring...

10. Misbegotten 

So, at No.10 are the Misbegotten, who are somewhat creepy looking humanoid enemies with wings on their back although some of them can fly whereas others don't but either way they are a real pain to deal with, especially earlier on in the game if you are not leveled up.

And one of the main reasons these guys are annoying is that they can gank you pretty easily if you get overwhelmed by them and there are a ton of them to be found in Morne castle. You also get different variants some of which carry cleavers whereas the stronger variety carry large axes that deal quite a bit of damage. Not to mention there are the ones that fly who will shoot you full of crossbow bolts, which is an infuriating pain in the ass to deal with when you want to escape them. 

So, for me the Misbegotten are annoying in their different forms and they are plentiful to be found and that is reason enough for me to put them on the list.

9. Warhawks 

Next are the warhawks (pictured above!) who are basically birds that for some unknown reason have swords attached to their claws and with the swords, they can do a lot of damage to you for sure!

And the Warhawks come again in different variants such as the Stormhawks in Stormveil castle, who have the attached swords and they can also pick up explosive barrels to throw at you too! Then there are the other warhawks that can fire pyro spells at you, which is pretty dangerous if you get caught in it.. The warhawks can also be found later in the game in areas such as the Crumbling Farum Azula where they will deal greater damage than earlier on.

So, basically these birds are pretty annoying in how they can quickly attack you and if you are caught by them in numbers, then are in big trouble basically as its hard to fight them off. So, with that said, I think the Warhawks definitely deserve to be on the list. 

8. Bleed dogs

So, next we have the bleed dogs, which can be found in places such as Caelid and Altus Plateau and boy these guys really hurt! 

So, basically the bleed dogs look pretty much like very average rabid dog with the bloody wounds over them, however unlike their other counterparts, the bleed dogs have one almighty advantage in that they can pull off a devastating bleed damage attack that can literally one-shot, depending on what size your HP bar is (although you might be survive it better with a larger HP). 

And I find it quite ridiculous how a small enemy such as a dog has the ability to one-shot players in a game and frankly it just isn't right either that it should be the case! I mean there are bigger enemies in the game that don't even on-shot but these guys certainly do that's for sure again depending on the size of your health. 

So, for the one-shot reason alone, I think the bleed dogs definitely deserve to be on the list because there is no way one doggo should do THAT much damage!

7. Fanged imps

So, next up are the fanged imps, who are often found in the catacombs throughout the game and by God they are so annoying to deal with as they hide in the shadows and can ambush you from above or behind.

And what is so annoying about them is they are basically just a reskinned version of one of the most irritating enemies in Dark Souls III, the Thrals, who wore hoods and had the exact same move set and attacks as these guys have! And it is so easy to roam through a catacomb and get ambushed by these little buggers time and time again and there are even areas in the game where you cannot attack them unless they appear in the light! 

They also happen to deal some hefty bleed damage with what I am guessing are daggers of some sort although I think some of them have what is called a forked greatsword, which again just so happens to deal bleed damage. Yeah, I think Fromsoft went a bit over the top this time with the bleed damage aspect of the game! 

And for me fanged imps definitely belong on here simply because they are re-skinned version of the thrals in DS3 and another enemy we could do without. 

6. Albinaurics

So, to close off part 1 of the list are these deeply annoying guys, the Albinaurics, which I had to look up on Fextralife as I wasn't sure what they were and it appears theses are the enemies but the thing is they look quite different from your usual Alby (who typically look more like Slitheen from Doctor Who!). No, these guys instead look like their heads have been turned inside out!  

So, if you have played the game then you will likely find this variant of the albinaurics in a few locations, first off in the Volcano Manor area, then Leyndell Capital and later on in Castle Sol. And basically they quickly scamper around on their hands and knees and try to grab and bite you but in doing so they can take a massive chunk off your health bar! The albinaurics however in Volcano Manor don't quite damage you as much as the ones in Sol Castle do because the ones there nearly wipe out your entire HP depending on how much of it you have! Thankfully however there aren't so many of them!

Thankfully these albinauric variants can only be found in the mentioned areas (although they could be elsewhere too!) and the fact they don't even have an official name (that I know of!) makes them all the more annoying also! 

So, with that these bitey crawling Albinuarics definitely deserve their spot on the list here at No.6. 

Right, so that's it for Part 1 and I will be back soon with Part 2.

Until then, bye for now!