Thursday 31 December 2020

10 Surprisingly Tricky Soulsborne Bosses Part 1








Right, this will be my last post of the year and it will be in two parts and just for something a little different, I thought I would do a list of bosses from the Dark Souls & Bloodborne games that I find suprisingly tricky. The basis for this of course is that most players might find these bosses not that hard but for myself, they can be a sticky wicket to deal with, so I thought I would put together a wee list of these bosses. And I will include Demon's Souls bosses in this list too given that it is a Souls game in its own right and kicked it all off!

Oh and just to say that these bosses won't be rated in any specific order of difficulty as their challenge can of course vary, so it would be tricky to say, which one is the overall toughest as it can depend on the playthrough RNG (i.e. random numbers generator) that affects elements of gameplay.

So, with that said, let's take a look at the bosses who can trip you up in the Soulsborne world...

1. Bed of Chaos (Dark Souls)

So, first up is the Bed of Chaos from the original Dark Souls, which is often regarded as one of the most hated bosses in the series (and its hard to argue with that!). The Bed of Chaos itself is a basically a giant tree creature that is controlled by three witches that hidden in its cores that you need to kill to defeat it.

Now this boss can be somewhat tricky by the very nature of its unpredictability regarding its random attacks no to mention that the floor can collapse underneath your feet, killing you instantly during the second phase. Also in the third phase you are subjected to random pillars of fire that can also deal big damage and before you know, you might find yourself back at the start again!

So, while this bosses isn't that difficult, it isn't entirely easy either and the random nature of its attacks is what warrants it a place on the list here. 

2. Aldia, the Scholar of the First Sin (Dark Souls II)

Next is the final secret boss of Dark Souls II, Aldia, the Scholar of the First Sin, who you need to defeat King Vendrick before you can actually face him. Aldia appears at several different points in the game leading up to the finale and is of course a big blob of fire and flesh with a posh English accent! 

Aldia again isn't considered a tough boss as such in Dark Souls II but that doesn't mean to say that he can't catch you out now and then with his attacks. And I for one have to say in my most recent playthrough of the game, I actually did struggle with him and took me five goes to actually defeat him! 

And the reason I think he can be tricky is because again his attacks can be pretty random as he fires homing fireballs, launch stone pillars from the ground to trip you up and worst of all is he has a huge fireball attack that can one-shot you (and it got me twice!). What's also annoying here is that your windows for attack are pretty rare as you have to wait until the fire that surrounds Aldia goes out and he turns grey and only then you can properly get damage into him and then the flame will reappear, which can also do some serious damage to you. 

So, while I have to say Aldia is a pretty underwhelming boss overall, he can still be tricky and as such that's why he deserves a spot on here.

3. Iudex Gundyr (Dark Souls III) 

Next is the intro game boss in Dark Souls III, Iudex Gundyr and for an intro boss he can be pretty tough and in a way, he sets the tone for the rest of the game difficulty wise as Souls III is possibly the most challenging of the Souls trilogy.

Now Gundyr's difficulty can depend on your build because if you are a caster, he is much easier to deal with as ranged attacks always work well on him, however if you need to get up close and fight him melee wise, that's where Gundyr will give you some trouble. And I actually found him pretty tough to deal with with certain character classes, especially as a cleric with just your mace, this is where he can really mess you up! Gundyr's attacks are also pretty relentless with a mix of combos, leaping attacks, not to mention when he turns into an abyssal creature in his second phase, you need to watch out for a potential one-shot slam. 

So, Gundyr for me personally would certainly rank as the toughest opening boss of the Souls trilogy and as such he deserves a spot here.

4. Vanguard (Demon's Souls)

Speaking of tricky opening bosses, one that is definitely of special mention here is the intro boss of Demon's Souls, Vanguard, who is basically a big demon with overgrown butt-cheeks! In fact you could almost argue that in a way, he is the ultimate opening boss because I for one, have NEVER beaten him in the opening stage of the game so far! He can be found later in the game however in the Shrine of Storms area where he can be taken down much easier from range, however here, its a different story.

And basically what makes this boss tricky is the simple fact that he is an intro boss and you are not levelled up at all, so you have to rely on dodging to avoid his hefty attacks. However because of this, as I mentioned, I've never actually managed to beat Vanguard in the opening sequence of the game (this of course can be a skipped though as you don't need to fight him at the start if you skip the opening sequence).

So, Vanguard is basically a boss that can be beaten early on, just now that easily but I'm sure if you go into new game plus, then he might be alot easier to take down but not on new game. So, for that alone, I think Vanguard definitely deserves a spot here.

5. Undead Giant - Chalice Dungeons Level 1 (Bloodborne)

And to finish off the first part of the list is this boss from Bloodborne, the Undead Giant. Now there are different versions of this boss in the chalice dungeons to be found that can be even tougher but for starters in the first playable dungeon you come to, this guy is the first boss and he can be pretty tricky! 

Now again the reason why I'd say the Undead Giant is tricky here is because, you could be going into the dungeons with your character at a lower stat level and this guy's attacks can be pretty brutal as he has two big blades in place of his hands and he can do slash combos as well as leaping smashes and these both hurt! So, this boss definitely does require some good dodging to avoid get clobbered by him although you can deal big damage to him if you burst a big lump on his leg. But this boss definitely does require good timing to avoid getting hit. 

So, the Undead Giant at the Level 1 Chalice Dungeon is definitely worth putting on this list as he can be pretty challening for your first foray into the dungeons of Bloodborne.

So, that's it for Part 1 and I will be back soon with Part 2.

See you soon! 

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