Sunday 29 March 2020

Post on the Coronavirus

Hey folks, I hope you are all doing well during these worrying times with the outbreak of the global pandemic that is the coronavirus or Covid 19 as it is properly known, which has devastated the world health wise and economically aswell. 

As for myself so far I've been fine and symptom free for now and it helps to take vitamins each day as I've been taking fish oil/cod liver oil capsules for the last 5 years or so on a daily basis, so I'm hoping this will stand me in good stead against the virus as it has helped fight off alot of colds and viruses in the past. 

So, its a pretty challenging time for everyone and I am following the guidelines like others by just staying at home, washing my hands (at least 30 times a day, which I realise might not be enough!) and keep safe distance from people when I am out which right now is quite seldom.

As for doing any future posts well I will still be doing them but I must admit I have been distracted by these events lately and I have been mostly revamping old posts, which I admit is mainly out of laziness to do newer ones! However I will continue to do more posts even if they are revisits of older ones from my blog and I also will still do a few top 10 lists just to break it up a little, especially the Dark Souls/Bloodborne games which I have been hugely addicted for almost two years now! So, the posts might not be that frequent but they will appear on the blog sooner or later.

Anyways that's it from me as its just a quick post (for a change!) and I hope you all take care during this crisis and fingers crossed we can return to normal and in the forthcoming months.

Till then the next one its bye for now and stay safe!

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