Friday 10 January 2020

Top 10 Hardest Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Bosses Part 1: No's 10-6

Right, so just for a change (or a slight change!) I've decided to do yet another top 10 list (yes another one!) but this one will take a look at my pick of the hardest bosses in FromSoftware's latest video game, Sekiro, which has been well renowned for its brutal difficulty.

Now Sekiro has its share of mini bosses aswell in the game (in fact there are 30 of them!) but for the purpose of this post I thought I would just limit it to the main bosses of the game and having played them all I will base them on ny difficulty but also working in their reputation for ordering the list. I will also make suggestions on how to defeat the bosses or how I personally dealt with the fights.  

So with that said let's take a look at these bosses from hell....

10. Gyoubu Oniwa 

So, at No.10 on the list is the first main boss you encounter in the game, Gyoubu Oniwa, who makes quite an impressive entrance as he rides in on horseback and yells his name at the top of his lungs (especially in the English voice over!) as he is determined to stop Sekiro entering Ashina castle.

So, for the fight Oniwa basically uses his giant polarm to try and whop Sekiro's ass with as his horse stampedes all around the outer grounds of the castle and at first this can be a fairly challenging fight. However the fight itself once you get to grips with it isn't too bad overall but it does set up nicely what you can sort of expect ahead of you.

As for how to deal with this fight, well I felt the best way was to pop and Ungo's sugar to reduce the physical damage that Oniwa deals out, which can be pretty hefty aswell as use the grappling hook skill if you have it, which will launch Sekiro towards Oniwa's horse and he will perform an attack after. I would also suggest using shinobi firecrackers to stun the horse so that Sekiro can get quite a few hits in and at this point you might want to also pop an Ako's sugar to boost your damage to the horse. So basically if you use the firecrackers, deflect Oniwa's polearm strikes and use an Ako's sugar and strike the horse in between Oniwa's attacks, rinse and repeat then the fight should be over fairly soon.

So, for me Gyoubu Oniwa is reasonably challenging fight that took me a few goes to get past on my first playthrough but there are for sure much tougher challenges ahead in the game.

9. Great Shinobi Owl

At No.9 is one of the late game bosses, the Great Shinobi Owl and this would be entering big spoiler territory if I was to fully explain why you fight him, so I might leave that out here for now not to spoil anything.

And the GRO while he isn't the toughest of bosses, he still does pose a fair challenge for Sekiro in the game at this stage and he has quite a few damaging attacks to watch out for.

First up, Shinobi Owl likes to use firecrackers...alot...and he can perform a pretty devastating slash attack after that, which will wipe out most of your health bar. Next, the Shinobi Owl can also perform combo attacks that can pummel your posture and health and what can be more dangerous he can throw items that prevent you from healing, which could spell big trouble for you if you get caught in the path of one. In his second phase, the Shinobi Owl can also throw out poison pellets that can easily poison you and poison damage in this game is pretty obnoxious so again you are best staying away from it. And lastly the GRO has a devastating Mikiri Counter, which he will use if you ever perform a thrust attack, he will perform the counter and follow up by stabbing Sekiro, which will take away about 90% of his health!

Strategy wise though for this boss you are best deflecting his attack whenever possible and simply dodge his anti-healing items whenever he throws them but they are pretty well telegraphed so its easy to do and also just back off whenever you see him throw poison pellets. The two things you will want to dodge the most though are his firecracker slash combo and above all else his Mikiri Counter, so for this fight you NEVER want to perform thrust attacks as you will get punished for it big time! I also used the combat art, Ijimonji double, to bump GRO on the head that helps build up posture damage in the 1st phase. And in the 2nd phase I mainly used the Mortal Blade draw, which is great for building posture and health damage and the best time to use it is just after he performs his jump attack and lands. So if you repeat these then the Great Shinobi Owl should eventually fall.

So, even though there are tougher bosses ahead of him, the Great Shinobi Owl can still provide a tough challenge and his attacks can be pretty devastating so you need to be on guard to beat him and as such he deserves to be at No.9 on the list.

8. Guardian Ape

So, at No.8 is the Guardian Ape and I know that some people would place this pesky ape much higher on their lists but I figured I would place him here because after I struggled on him in my first playthrough, I've since managed to work him out and beat him a fair easier. However this big ape is still a dangerous opponent and not to be underestimated. 

As for the Guardian Ape's attacks well this is a first for a FromSoft game boss because here we have a boss, who will pull a big pile of crap from his ass and chuck it at you and he can also fart on you aswell and both of these do poison damage (what has this guy been eating???!!). Other than this, the ape can perform some pretty nasty jump attacks and a brutal grab attack that deals out alot of damage and a flailing attack where he writhes around on the ground. However after you think you have beaten him and you see that much welcome "SHINOBI EXECUTION" caption come up, you soon discover he's not done yet and he rises up again but this time he is headless and he carries his head in one hand and a big katana in the other! So from here, the ape does some pretty nasty slashes with his katana and he can also dish out some hefty terror damage, which will kill Sekiro instantly if his terror metre goes all the way up! So its quite a lot to deal with!

As for how I dealt with the Guardian Ape well for one a good way to deal with him is to use divine confetti as it does some good physical damage to the ape's health. For this poo attack, this can actually be blocked without Sekiro taking much damage or you could simply jump forward when you see him about to perform this attack and you will dodge it. As for his grab attack simply jump back before he can perform it and I would suggest the same for his writhing ground attack.

2nd phase however is mainly a case of deflecting the ape's katana attacks and when he falls face down, wade into him with the katana buffed with confetti but you can also use the loaded spear tool yank out his centipede inside his head for posture damage but I never had much success at this.  As for his terror attacks just use pacifying agent or the purple mottled gourd to counter it but you can usually tell when he is about to do it so you can back off before he does. So if you do all this then the Guardian ape should be beaten and the fight will be FINALLY over for real this time!

So, I would have to say that I did find the Guardian ape quite tough on my first playthrough but after working him out I've since found him much easier and I did beat him on my first try on my 3rd playthrough!

However that aside, this big ape is still a tough opponent and as such he does deserves his spot here at No.8.

7. Lady Butterfly

So, at No.7 is Lady Butterfly, who depending on how you play it can be the 2nd or 3rd main boss you will encounter in the game but I would suggest tackling her 2nd as she can be a fair bit easier than the other boss you would encounter who I will get to a bit later on. However Lady Butterfly herself can prove to be quite a difficult boss to deal with for sure.

As for her fight, this is actually a very balletic one as Sekiro and Lady B lock battle, she spins around a lot making her moveset pretty unique among the other bosses. Lady B also employs the use of a couple of perilous attacks as she can do a dive attack on you from overhead wires and throw shurikens at you as well as perform a grab attack that deals alot of damage. In the 2nd phase, Lady Butterfly will start creating a series of illusions to disorientate Sekiro and these can be followed up by a pretty devastating phantom Kunai attack that can obliterate Sekiro's health bar.

So how I dealt with this fight was to try and deflect her spin attacks as much as I could before my posture would break which is pretty standard stuff anyway. As for her perilous attacks in phase 1, for her overhead dive attack just use a Shuriken which will knock her on her ass and cause some posture damage and the other perilous attack just back off before she performs it. In the 2nd stage you are best either using snap seeds to dispel the illusions that Lady Butterfly creates or simply just around the inside of the pillars around the room until she dispels them herself. The snap seeds aren't actually that effective as they can only dispel local illusions in the room and not all of t6hem at once. As for her phantom Kunai attack you have to basically again just run around the room to dodge them. That aside its a case of just blocking and attacking her and she will eventually go down.

So as a fairly early game boss, Lady Butterfly is certainly quite difficult and as such she definitely deserves her spot on here at No.7.

6. True Corrupted Monk

So, at No.6 to round off the first part of this list is the True Corrupted Monk, who is the real version of the ghost Corrupted Monk you face earlier in the game and she is no joke it has to be said.

As for the Corrupted Monk's attacks, well they can be pretty brutal as she uses a large twinblade weapon and performs some sweeping combos that deal big damage. In the 2nd phase however, things change up as the Monk creates a mist and some illusions of herself that can also attack Sekiro and in the 3rd and final phase, a centipede comes out her head that can inflict terror damage and her attacks are much the same as in phases 1 and 2 only more aggressive.

This fight can be very tricky I certainly struggled with it myself on my latest playthrough where it took 19 attempts beat the monk and its mainly down to her brutal sweeping attacks that are hard to avoid given the size of her twin bladed weapon. In the first phase you its a matter again of trying to block her attacks to build up posture damage and try and get a few hits in in-between with using Ako sugar you can get a damage buff that will help build that posture meter of hers.

In the 2nd phase if you are lucky you can instantly land a deathblow on her if you rope up to the trees above immediately after the 1st deathblow and as the mist appears and you get a lock on her, just jump down and you should get the deathblow red marker. This however isn't necessarily always a guarantee and if you don't succeed in this then you are best roping between the tree branches above to avoid the Monk's phantom clones and then jump down and attack her similar to phase 1 and hope that when the mist comes you can rope up again to the top branch and get the deathblow.

As for the 3rd phase, I found what worked in the end for me was to use Ako's sugar for extra damage and also firecrackers to stun her and if they run out then use fistful of ash, which the monk is weak to and it will you to beat on her more. So, its a case of rinse and repeat this process until she falls and you get the final deathblow. Its also worth noting that you should use pacifying agent to null her terror attack in this phase or the purple mottled gourd.

So, for me the True Corrupted Monk is definitely one of the toughest bosses in the game with her three phases and brutal combo twinblade attacks and initimidating size makes for a tough opponent and one that deserves a spot on the list at No.6.

Right, so that's it for Part 1 and I will be back soon with Part 2 where I look at who made it into the top 5.

So, till then its bye fer now!

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