Wednesday 27 November 2019

Top 10 Annoying Bloodborne Enemies Part 2 - No.5-1

Right, so now I'll move onto Part 2 of my list of the most annoying Bloodborne enemies. 

So, with the said let's resume the hunt and take a look at these pesky enemies from Yarnham...

5. Winter lanterns

So, at No.5. are the Winter Lanterns, or as I like to call them the singing frenzy ladies! Yep they are annoying and quite often top many a player's hate list for sure. Yep these weird looking creatures with multiple eyes on their head are no joke.

So, why are the Winter Lanterns so annoying? Well aside from their out of tune singing (God knows why From Software decided to have them sing!) quite simply put they can induce frenzy on you and as anyone who has played Bloodborne knows that frenzy does MAJOR damage to your health bar and is basically what curse was in Dark Souls (except not quite as fatal as curse outright killed you).

The Winter Lanterns also have a pretty nasty grab attack as well, which allows them to consume you more with frenzy and believe it or not you can survive the attack in the main game but the DLC ones...forget it because if they grab you its one-shot material and you haven't got a chance!

As for dealing with the Winter Lanterns, they are certainly one of the tougher standard enemies to take on in the game due to the high damage they can do to you with frenzy, so I often found it was better to keep my distance and kill them with a ranged weapon (e.g. hunter axe or church pick). You can also even poison them too if you keep your distance that will prove effective also but you need to be sure you are out of sight or else you will need to chug down all your blood vials to counter their frenzy damage or use sedatives to stop the frenzy build up.

So, the Winter Lanterns sure deserve their spot on this list in the top 5 as they are sure as hell one of the most annoying enemies in the game.

4. NPC Enemy Hunters

At No.4 we have of course the NPC enemy hunters, which can prove to be a mixed bag of difficulty with some being pushovers to others being unforgivingly brutal to take down but whatever way you look at it there is no doubt these guys are pretty damn annoying to deal with.

And for me the main factor of their difficulty and annoyance comes from them generally having HUGE health bars and unlimited ammo! Yep because typically you only have 20 blood vials and bullets in the game at one time (unless you pick more vials up and you can make 5 extra bullets from your own blood) but THESE guys have all the ammo they want and can spam you to death with it! Not only that of course as I mentioned they have a ton of health, which makes them difficulty to kill quickly.

Now I have to say the early game enemy hunters aren't too bad such as the one at cathedral ward who attacks you with a bolt infused mace called the Tonitrus but he has a buddy who is a fair bit tougher that can totally spam you with a rifle to stagger you so he can perform a visceral attack. And its this kind of BS that can become pretty infuriating to deal with although this guy can be taken down a bit easier later on once you are levelled up.

However the enemy hunters later found in the game are way less forgiving and in particular the toughest of the lot of them is the Bloody Crow of Cainhurst, who is hands down the HARDEST enemy in the main game and taking this guy on in one to one combat is absolutely brutal! This guy has a crap tonne of health and also has a katana (the Chikage) that does pretty nasty bleed damage and a repeater pistol that can essentially two-shot you to death. Not only that, this guy's visceral attacks are lethal and he can literally one-shot you with them! I mean not even Gerhman's visceral attack do this amount of damage! Oh yeah and he has infinite ammo as well of course!

And I could NEVER defeat this guy in a one on one fight, so in the end I had to resort to killing him with poison knives but you can also get him to two hand his Chikage, which causes him to slowly lose his health to bleed damage. Yep he is a total nightmare. 

So, yep the the NPC enemy hunters are hands down one of the most annoying enemies in the game mainly due to their large health pools and infinite ammo, which makes them essentially a bunch of cheaters and they are definitely deserve their spot here at No.4.

3. Eye Collectors

At No.3 we have Eye Collectors...yep...bloody Eye Collectors! THESE guys (or are they women?!) are a huge pain in the ass and they are essentially very similar looking to the Witch of Hemwick boss except they have no magical powers as such but their name speaks for themselves in what they do.

As for why are the Eye Collectors SO annoying? Well put simply it comes down to the deeply annoying attack they do as they often hide in the shadows to perform a sneak grab attack and use a scoop to pry out your eyes! So, basically its a grab and scoop and it can do quite a bit of damage to you (although I don't think you actually lose your eyes when it happens). The Witch of Hemwick also perform the same attack during the boss fight but it is accompanied by a bunch of BS magic spells, so at least these guys don't have that added frustration.

So, with the Eye Collectors to deal with them you really have to watch your step and try and anticipate their locations, which can only really be done through repeated playthroughs or just watching Youtube videos to work it out.  They are fairly easy to kill thankfully because they don't have much health and they are also pretty vulnerable to visceral attacks and can be back stabbed to perform the visceral in quite a few instances.

So, for me these guys are definitely one of the most annoying enemes in the entire game and more than deserve a spot on the list here. 

2.  Enlarged head patients

So, at No.2 have what is undoubtedly the MOST annoying enemy to be found in the game's DLC, which are the enlarged head patients...yep...f*** these guys! Put simply, I absolutely hate them!

So, why are the enlarged patients in the runner-up spot? Well it comes down to the fact there are ALOT of them to be found in the Research Hall area of the Old Hunters DLC and they are also pretty fast and deal out alot of damage with their wild, frenzied attacks (they don't induce frenzy thankfully!) as they flail their arms around wildly and can also perform headbutts.

There are also different varieties of them to be found in the game as well that have different attacks such as throw jars of acid, leap attacks, frenzied hand attacks and headbutts and there even headless ones but they are suprisingly passive and don't attack (unless you attack them first). Also there is one individual patient that is pretty lethal, who wanders around carrying a blood drip stand and he violently thwacks over and over again out of rage and you DO NOT want to get caught out by him as he does a tonne of damage with that thing!

And the patients can be quite difficult to deal with due to the variety of them and also their large numbers although one strategy to bypass them is to use Blue Elixir, which makes you briefly invisible. Other than this though you can parry them and perform a visceral, which tends to be pretty effective also.

So, for me the enlarged head patients are without a doubt one of the THE most annoying enemies in Bloodborn and as such definitely deserve to take the runner-up spot.

And so this means the most annoying enemy in Bloodborn is...

1. Brainsuckers 

Yep at No.1 are these guys...Brainsucks...lovely chaps! Yes these guys are so utterly annoying that I felt there was no other enemy in the game to match their annoyance and they deserved to take the top spot here.

So, just why are these guys so annoying? Well to put it simply its because they SUCK! Yep these guys can perform a grab attack where they use a large tentacle on their heads to literally suck out your brain! This attack isn't necessarily lethal but it does deal alot of damage and it also drains your insight in the game (2 insight per suck lol).

The brainsuckers also possess a pretty annoying spell that can paralyze you to keep you rooted to the spot to allow them to perform their brain sucking attack aswell and that is something you need to try and dodge at all costs. In addition to this, the brainsuckers can do some pretty hefty damage with physical attacks as they can perform pretty brutal combos that can easily wipe you out. In fact there are two versions of the brainsucker in that one just performs the standard brainsuck attacks and combos whereas the other can also perform this paralysis spell.

And due to their annoying nature and attacks, they can be tricky to deal with but the brainsuckers are pretty weak to bolt damage, so if you have a bolt infused weapon you can kill them with ease. Also if they have their back to you then you can perform a visceral to which they are also pretty weak to and that can make your life a whole lot easier. These attacks can prove to be more difficult to pull off however in the upper cathedral ward part of the game because there is a section where you have three brainsuckers patrolling the area making it tricky to perform a backstab visceral and in this case you need to kite them away one by one.

So with that said, the brainsuckers are without a single doubt the MOST annoying enemy in Bloodborne due to the fact that they suck your brains out, drain your insight, paralyse you to do so and can even perform a flail combo to also dish out alot of damage. In short these guys SUCK (ahem!) and as such deserve to take the top spot as I hate them more than anything else in Bloodborne.

OK, so that's it for my list and I will be back sometime pretty soon either in December or maybe just before.

So, till then its bye for now! 

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