Saturday 3 August 2019

Top 10 Bloodborne Themes Part 1: No's 10-6

Right, so I figured its high time I did a post on this channel with NEW content for a change rather just a bunch of revisitational posts.

So, the theme for this post will be well...themes! So, yep here I will continue my look at my pick for the top themes in the Soulsborne games and this one will cover my pick for the best themes in Bloodborne. And Bloodborne has its fair share of terrific themes as it is a great soundtrack and has some of the very best themes in gaming as far as I am concerned and given there were six composers working on the score it certainly has a pretty diverse sound to it making one of the best.

So, with that all said let's get started...

10. Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos

So, at No.10 is the theme for Ebrietas, that weird squid/octopus like boss with a rather questionable looking facial opening! However what isn't so questionable is Ebrietas's theme, which is excellent and I only really remember hearing the opening parts of it while fighting Ebby but the overall theme is well worth a listen.

As for why its good, well I really have to say the second part of the theme is great and it the choral voices work really well throughout but in the 2nd part it acts as a precursor to the sound of the Dark Souls III soundtrack, which this tracks composer, Yuka Kitamura would go on to be the chief composer for. Again its one that can be hard to hear over the noise of the boss fight itself but it does certainly rise in quality as the track progresses and its other-wordly feel also makes more unique to a lot of the tracks in the game.

So, Ebrietas's theme is certainly a very good one and well worth putting on the list here at No.10.

9. Father Gascoigne 

At No.9 is the theme for Father Gascogine, who is easily one of the most recognisible and memorable bosses in the whole game, so its only fair to say that he should have a pretty darn good theme to go with it.

As for the theme itself, it actually has a really kind of Danny Elfman quality to it and it actually really reminded of the sort of score you would expect from Tim Burton film, Sleepy Hollow and its main section is very memorable and quite sinister. And then we get to the second phase part of the score where Gascoigne goes from human form and mutates into a large beast, who can whip your butt with some ferocious combos and from here the score becomes much faster paced and dangerous and it becomes a bit more choral in the section before the finish.

Now admittedly I have to say there are definitely stronger themes in the game but Father Gascogine's theme still remains a pretty impressive and menorable one in its own right and as such deserves its spot at No.9. 

8. Cleric Beast

So, at No.8 is the theme for who is often considered to be the very first boss in Bloodborne you will encounter, which is the Cleric Beast and his theme is a pretty darn good one and it sets up the sinister, strident tone of the game. It also has to be said that the Cleric Beast himself sets the tone of the VOLUME of the beast bosses in the game as they tend to be pretty noisy, so you may have to turn his down a bit to properly appreciate the score here! In fact he sounds pretty much identical to one of the later bosses in the DLC, Laurence and he also sets the pace for dealing with many of the beast bosses you will encounter.

As for the track itself, it is an impressive mix of orchestration and choral voices, which again is a big staple of the Bloodborne soundtrack and it really is a theme that grabs your attention straight away and let's you know that you will be in for a quality time music wise.  Further to this as I said it captures the game's grim tone straigh away but also the excitement and danger of the boss fights you will encounter.

So, for me the intro boss certainly has one of the standout tracks from the game and as such the Cleric Beast's theme deserves its spot at No.9.

7. Living Failures

At No.7 is the theme for one of the DLC bosses, the Living Failures, who lore wise, were believed to have been rejected as Great Ones hence I guess their names as failures and love to spam you with arcane (magic) attacks aswell as melee ones (still they fight you in a pretty garden!).

As for the theme itself, its another cracker and for me it has got to be the MOST cinematic theme in the entire game as it just has a really big sound to it overall. The theme also again has a very impressive mix of orchestration and choral voices and they really do reach a crescendo as the theme goes and reaches near its end and that for me is the really cinematic sounding bit.  Overall it is a pretty impressive one and its main chorus has quite a potent impact and is what stands out most in the track.

So, the Living Failures theme is definitely another excellent one from the game and certainly deserves its place here at No.7 on the list.

6. Orphan of Kos

At No.6 is the theme for what is without a shred of doubt the HARDEST boss in the entire game and that is the Orphan of Kos, a boss that tortured and took weeks off and on of atttempts before I finally was able to defeat him solo!

As for the theme itself its really one of two halves with the first part being somewhat mellower and it has an almost sad lullaby feel to it despite the fact the Orphan is screeching "YEEEEEOOOOW!" at you and trying to bludgeon you to death with that giant placenta of his! Now, I would have to say that this part does almost kind of feel out of place given the ferocity of the Oprhan's attacks but its still a pretty good part of the theme and it does sort of highlight the grief and sadness for the Orphan.

However, its in the second phase where this theme REALLY kicks in and as the Orphan becomes even more aggressive (as if that were possible but believe me it is!) the theme really rises in quality and becomes far more sinister in feel and way more fitting to the tone of the fight. And the highlight of the second phase of theme comes toward the end as the choral voices and orchestrations rise together as it acts as preparation for that miraculous moment where you might just finish the Orphan off!

So, for me the Orphan's theme is definitely one of the best in the game even if it as a theme of two different tones and the second half in particular is just terrific and for that reason alone it takes the No.6 spot.

Right, so that's it for Part 1 of the list and I will be back soon with Part 2.

Till then, its bye for now!

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